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Health anxiety

I can have wild mood swings from anxiety over my health. For example, I can just bump my teeth together, happens often from some kind of jaw reflex. It’s not so strong. But my mind can start going through agony of simulating the shock wave coming through my skull and damaging my brain. Or I don’t know… Does it alter the risk of developing CTE in the future? Does it really have any consequences? ^043464

I noticed the same type of anxiety when something not desirable suddenly happens. For example, when I accidentally hit my laptop. I’m worried about any potential consequences, running physics simulation of a hit in my head, trying to think about what it could affect. The processor? Can it be damaged from that sudden vibration? Or some more sensitive components on the motherboard? And it goes on and on. Eventually, I forget about it or just accept the fact that it happened and I can do nothing about it. But it doesn’t happen soon. Like, I can be frustrated for several hours. I know that frustration from possible consequences from minor things like hitting a laptop is dumb. In the worst case, I can buy a new laptop. But somehow my mind goes crazy anyway. ^3c66c2