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More about these notes

I started taking notes in Obsidian about a year ago. I’ve tried several tools before (Dynalist, RemNote, Logseq), but none of them was as comfortable to use as Obsidian. It also has a great plugin ecosystem.

You may notice that some notes a written in a cryptic language or just poorly structured. I hadn’t planned to publish them so I was writing for myself. Also some notes are written a long time ago, when I was only learning to write in a Markdown’ish Obsidian flavor instead of infinitely nested lists like in Dynalist. I’m still learning how to properly organize my notes and make them discoverable.

Sometimes I don’t link a note, because I try to keep backlink count quite low. I think having a lot of backlinks defeats their purpose. So when I have too many, I try to break a note into pieces and link to them.

Keep in mind, if something is not linked, that doesn’t mean I don’t have a dedicated page for it. I rely heavily on search. Sometimes more than on the backlinks 😄

This website is made with Quartz. It’s not 100% compatible with Obsidian and still has some rough edges, so you may notice weird formatting or broken stuff.

For a really cool example of a hyperlink notebook see Andy Matuschak’s notes.