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UNIX (Linux) processes

All info about running processes is in /proc. See this comic.

# Useful commands

# Process termination

This comic :)

The signals to send are SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGKILL. Maybe there are others. See How Linux Signals Work - SIGINT, SIGTERM and SIGKILL. See also How to Kill a Process in Linux with Kill, Pkill and Killall | PhoenixNAP KB.

SIGKILL will always work and shut the process abruptly. If it doesn’t work - the operating system has failed! SIGTERM (and SIGINT) may be handled by the program itself and thus may not work if the process is hanging.

If a program is hanging, killall [-9 | -KILL] <program-name> should do the thing. If you don’t know the name, you can look it up with top or something.