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# Snapshots

Snapshots List For a Virtual Machine
They’re like diff files between different .vdi images. When a snapshot is created, the base .vdi is frozen and the changes are written to a differencing image.

Differencing images can be chained. If another differencing image is created for a virtual disk that already has a differencing image, then it becomes a grandchild of the original parent. The first differencing image then becomes read-only as well, and write operations only go to the second-level differencing image. When reading from the virtual disk, Oracle VM VirtualBox needs to look into the second differencing image first, then into the first if the sector was not found, and then into the original image. ( From the docs)

From 1.10. Snapshots - Docs:

To avoid losing the current state when restoring a snapshot, you can create a new snapshot before the restore operation.

Some tips on using them:

# Configuring SSH